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Einladung zum DIZH Research Cluster am 4. Februar 2021

Die Veranstaltungen der DIZH Research Cluster sollen Forschenden der UZH, ZHAW, ZHdK und PHZH Möglichkeiten zum Austausch und zur Vernetzung bieten. Die konkrete Umsetzung wurde beim Kick-Off Event am 23. November 2020, an dem über 90 Personen teilnahmen, thematisiert. Um den wechselnden Ansprüchen gerecht zu werden, folgen die geplanten Events dem Leitsatz form follows function: Das Format der Veranstaltung wird dem Zweck angepasst. Die nächsten beiden Veranstaltungen dienen dem informellen Kennenlernen und Möglichkeiten der Kollaboration unter den Forschenden. 

Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2021

11.00 – 12.00 Uhr (Check-In: 10.45 Uhr)

DIZH Research Cluster bei Wonder

Diese Veranstaltung findet auf der Online-Plattform Wonder statt. Die Teilnehmenden haben den Überblick, wer sich im Raum befindet und können lebhaft diskutieren.  Um ein Thema aus verschiedenen Disziplinen und Perspektiven zu beleuchten, richten wir Räume ein, die von Forscher*innen der UZH, ZHAW, ZHdK und PHZH gehostet werden und in denen sich die Teilnehmenden in kleinen Gruppen austauschen können.

The Governance of Digital Education (name of the room: Digital Education) / Dr. Michael Geiss

Virtual Reality in Education (name of the room: VR in Education) / Dr. Inez von Weitershausen

The need to innovate learning in light of the Covid-19 pandemic has increased the interest in digital technologies and longer-term alternatives to face-to-face interaction. As (higher) education institutions are exploring a range of options, Virtual Reality appears to be a particularly interesting one. With in-depth research and experiences being limited thus far, we look forward to exchanging insights and ideas with our DIZH Research cluster colleagues. 

Programmierkompetenzen an Schulen (name of the room: Programming/Schools) / Dr. Bernadette Spieler

Makerspaces im Bildungskontext (name of the room: Makerspaces Edu) / Dr. Patrick Bettinger

Digitale Tools in der Lehre mit Beispielen aus der Hochschullehre, der Weiterbildung und dem Einsatz in der Schule (name of the room: Dig Tools/Teaching) / Dr. Alexandra Totter und Tobias Schifferle

KI und adaptive Lernsysteme (name of the room: AI / ALS) / Dr. Tobias Röhl

Press Start! – Digital Play and Game Studies Research at DIZH (name of the room: Press Start!) / Dr. Hiloko Kato

Value Sensitive Innovation (name of the room: Value Sensitive Inno) / Ning Wang

Digital Financial Sustainability Ecosystem (name of the room: Sustainable Finance) / Dr. Daniel Fastnacht und Dr. Jan-Alexander Posth

Social and Emotional Skills in the Future of Work (name of the room: Future of Work) / Prof. Dr. Lauren Howe

As technologies transform the world of work, many organizations suggest that social and emotional skills (e.g., empathy, emotional intelligence, teamwork) will be a key part of future jobs opportunities. Why do social and emotional skills matter in the future of work? How can they be trained and developed? What institutions should be in charge of doing so? What barriers stand in the way? We welcome these and other questions about the role of fundamentally human skills in the future of work.

Struktur Call: Distant Creative Collaboration (name of the room: Creative Collab) / Stefano Vannotti und Renato Soldenhoff

We talk about the ZHdK proposal «Distant Creative Collaboration» for the DIZH Struktur Call. Do you have burning questions regarding this topic? And are you interested in participating? Learn more in the introduction video & register for workshops in March/April: https://link.zhdk.ch/dizhdcc. The session is held in German.

Combined XR Experiences (name of the room: Combined XR Exp) / Prof. Christian Iseli

One of the current research priorities of the Immersive Arts Space (Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK) is to combine virtual reality with spatial augmented reality. By-standing visitors can witness the VR users› explorations of the virtual space through projected visualizations on the surrounding walls and thus co-experience the virtual adventures of those who are wearing the VR googles. A first protype is the project Virutal Echolocation, which transfers sound impulses of the users (shouting) into a dynamic visual experience of the environment. This prototype is a collaboration of two research groups of the Immersive Arts Space.

Smart Cities Prof. Dr. Frédéric Martel

Digitalization and Information(-Overload): Consequences for markets and society (name of the room:  Digitalization/Info) / Prof. Dr. Andreas Hefti

Wir freuen uns darauf, euch bei dieser oder einer anderen Veranstaltung des DIZH Forschungsclusters zu treffen! 

How does Wonder work?

Use Chrome or Firefox. Each person is represented by a little avatar. By clicking or dragging your mouse, you can move around the room. If you get close enough to someone else, a videochat opens. You can see other people moving around the space and talking to each other, but you cannot hear or see their conversation unless you stand in the small circle around them.

How do I move around the room? 

Click anywhere in the room with your mouse and keep holding – and here we go, your avatar will make its first steps. 

How do I chat to other guests? 

If you want to join a conversation, just move close enough to the group until your avatar stands within the coloured circle. You can also use written chat from anywhere in the room to communicate with individual guests, your current group or the whole room.


Am 23. März 2021 hostet die DSI ein Speed Dating für den DIZH Research Cluster. Informationen folgen