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Making in the classroom

School-related creation and testing of OER modules

Project state


Project start

October 2021

Funding duration

24 months

Universities involved


Practice partner

Schulamt der Stadt Zürich, CreativeLab Zürich

Funding amount DIZH

CHF 189'000

The project ‘Making in the classroom’ ( was a two-year development and investigation of various making training courses and project weeks in school grades 5-9. This project involved various people from research, further education and training from the Zurich University of Teacher Education, the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Centre (PSC), represented in the project by the Institute of Plant and Microbiology at the University of Zurich, and the practice partners CreativeLab Zurich and the Zurich City School Board. The innovative aspect of this project was the interdisciplinary approach to designing making activities by incorporating science, robotics, art and design. To this end, various making courses were trialled and evaluated in cooperation with 25 teachers from ten different schools. In addition, the project was supported by an international advisory board of making experts, which was consulted on a regular basis. The PSC developed a series of ‘Bio-Tinkering’ courses as part of the project. At the PHZH, the further training courses developed include a basic making course and in-depth courses on the topics of digital patterns, laser cutters, 3D printers and physical computing. These making courses have already been incorporated into the PHZH’s continuing education portfolio and are proving very popular. Teachers were also supported in the classroom with a focus on lesson transfer. At the same time, various OER (Open Educational Resources) were developed. Several scientific publications were published, an anthology ‘Making&more’ was published and two conferences were organised. A physical makerspace was planned and opened on the PHZH campus.

OER / open educational resources


The anthology “Making & More: gemeinsam Lernen gestalten” (in German) offers well-founded insights, new approaches and practical reports on how to integrate creative and activity-oriented learning into the classroom.

  • Spieler, B.; Schifferle, T.M. and Dahinden, M. (2022) Exploring Making in Schools: A Maker-Framework for Teachers in K12. In 6th FabLearn Europe / MakeEd Conference 2022 (FabLearn Europe / MakeEd 2022). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 7, 1–6.
  • Spieler, B.; Schifferle, T.M. and Dahinden, M. (2022) The “Making at School” Project: Planning Interdisciplinary Activities. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Vol. 2 (ITiCSE ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 624.
  • Spieler B. and Schifferle T.M. (2022). Maker-Education: Interdisciplinary Computer Science Activities. Informatics in Schools. A step beyond digital education. 15th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2022, Vienna, Austria, September 26–28, 2022. p. 122-123.
  • Spieler, B. and Schifferle T.M. (in press) Making at school: Experiences from the design-based research project  Fablearn/Constructionism 23.
Physical Computing
Creative Coding


Prof. Dr. Bernadette Spieler, PHZH Zentrum Medienbildung und Informatik

Prof. Dr. Cyril Zipfel, UZH Institut für Pflanzen und Mikrobiologie und Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center

PD Dr. Caroline Weckerle, UZH Institut für Systematische und Evolutionäre Botanik 

Dr. Yvonne Steinbach, UZH Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center

Dr. Manuela Dahinden, UZH Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center

Practice partners

Alexander Mayer, Projektleiter Schulinformatik, Stadt Zürich

Dr. Juanita Schläpfer, CreativeLab Zürich

Making-Advisory Board: Association of national and international experts

Call type: 1. Project-Call