The anthology “Making & More: gemeinsam Lernen gestalten” (in German) offers well-founded insights, new approaches and practical reports on how to integrate creative and activity-oriented learning into the classroom.
Making – a simple “making”, a “doing it yourself”, a “tinkering” and “experimenting” provides on the one hand a high degree of freedom in the learning and teaching process. On the other hand, Making offers the opportunity to offer motivating and interdisciplinary project lessons and can promote the acquisition of computational thinking skills. Making bundles offers around single-board computers, sensors and actuators, visual programming languages, animation, electronics or robotics, as well as working with technical tools, textiles and handicraft materials. In interaction with natural science subjects such as biology or in design, interdisciplinary offers can arise. Technical understanding, creative problem solving and manual dexterity should also be trained – according to a quote by Jesper Juul: “Children are more researchers than pupils: they have to experiment and draw their own conclusions.”
The project consists of the development, testing and provision of innovative Open Educational Resources (OER) for making activities in the classroom, taking into account current didactic research concepts. Conceived training and further education offers are to be additionally accompanied scientifically within the school.
Prof. Dr. Bernadette Spieler, PHZH Zentrum Medienbildung und Informatik
Prof. Dr. Cyril Zipfel, UZH Institut für Pflanzen und Mikrobiologie und Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center
PD Dr. Caroline Weckerle, UZH Institut für Systematische und Evolutionäre Botanik
Dr. Yvonne Steinbach, UZH Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center
Dr. Manuela Dahinden, UZH Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center
Practice partners
Alexander Mayer, Projektleiter Schulinformatik, Stadt Zürich
Dr. Juanita Schläpfer, CreativeLab Zürich
Making-Advisory Board: Association of national and international experts
Running time: 2021-2023