The recognition of complex layouts and manuscripts, among others by ATR, is far advanced. Today, their processing in research and memory institutions is on the verge of a quantum leap. The project establishes an expert group and a teaching module on new working methods. In this way, it contributes to the digital transformation of access to society’s cultural memory.
Project manager
Prof. Dr. Cerstin Mahlow, ZHAW, Angewandte Linguistik
Prof. Dr. Simon Teuscher, UZH, Historisches Seminar
Project coordinator
Laura Bitterli, UZH, Historisches Seminar
Project partner (research)
Prof. Dr. Noah Bubenhofer, UZH, Deutsches Seminar
Prof. Dr. Tobias Hodel, UniBe, Digital Humanities
PD Dr. Gerold Schneider, UZH, Leiter NLP Gruppe in LiRI Tech
Prof. Dr. Martin Volk, UZH, Institut für Computerlinguistik
Digital History Lab (DHL), Historisches Seminar, UZH, (Koordination: Christine Grundig MA)
Practice partner (Memory institutions)
ETH-Bibliothek, Sektion Sammlungen und Archive
Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv (Zürich)
Staatsarchiv des Kantons Zürich, Abteilung Nacherschliessung und Digitalisierung
Running time: 2023-2025