With the Digital MasterClass Canton of Zurich, qualified researchers from the DIZH universities will inform the parliamentarians of the Zurich Cantonal Council about relevant topics of digital transformation. Politicians can thus acquire digital expertise on a neutral basis and form independent opinions.
From June 2024, five training events will be held for members of the Zurich Cantonal Council.
First Digital MasterClass
The first MasterClass on June 10 was dedicated to the current topic of the revision of the cantonal Information and Data Protection Act (IDG).
In his lecture, Prof. Florent Thouvenin from the Chair of Information and Communication Law highlighted the transparency of state data processing and the importance of regulating the use of personal data for research purposes. Prof. Claudia Witt, Chair of Complementary and Integrative Medicine and Co-Director of the DSI, explained the practical handling of data in medical research and highlighted the importance of research data for the quality of healthcare.
The presentation slides of the MasterClass “Digitalization and Data Protection” of 10 June 2024 can be downloaded under this link (PDF, 4 MB).
The Digital Society Initiative is organizing the Digital MasterClass for the Zurich Cantonal Council with the Parliamentary Group on Digitalization of the Zurich Cantonal Council. The event series is supported by Verein Parldigi, Stiftung Mercator Schweiz and in the 1st outreach call in the DIZH innovation program.