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Computer science and computer music at school

The ‘Media and Computer Science’ module is to be taught in elementary school in accordance with the requirements of Curriculum 21, largely in an integrated and interdisciplinary manner. The project focuses on computer science and builds a bridge to music through the conceptual proximity between computational thinking and musical-compositional thinking. With the aim of ensuring that both subject areas meet on an equal footing, the question of how the skills from music and computer science can be combined in a more in-depth way in order to establish artistic thinking as an instrument of knowledge and artistic action as a method for conveying content from computer science and technology will be explored.

To this end, a team of specialists is developing tools for sound design and teaching materials that will be published as open educational resources.


Prof. Dr. Philippe Kocher, Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology, Departement Musik, ZHdK

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmalfeldt, Center for Education and Digital Transformation, PHZH 

Caspar Noetzli, Digital Learning PHZH

Adrian Degonda, Medienbildung und Informatik PHZH

Lorena Strohner, Interaction designer, photographer

Noémi Büchi, composer, computer musician

Sascha Jösler, composer, computer musician

Magdalena Formosa Zanquila, Master student ZHdK

Practice partner

Volksschulamt Kanton Zürich, Fachstelle Schule+Kultur

Volksschulamt Kanton Zürich, Fachstelle Bildung und ICT

Zentrum Weiterbildung der ZHdK

Running time: 2024-2027