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DSI Bridge Postdoc Call

We are looking for researchers (PhD’s) who are at the beginning of their academic career and are conducting interdisciplinary research on topics that are closely related to digitalisation and its impact on society. Possible research fields include digital health, digital ethics, religion and digitalisation, digital humanities, legal tech, etc. The… Read More »DSI Bridge Postdoc Call

DSI Infrastructure & Lab

DSI Infrastructures & Labs are jointly usable infrastructures or structural vessels that are intended to generate collaborative settings for research – naturally always with reference to the digital transformation. Synergies and new forms of cooperation are to be made possible from the bundling of existing competences and people. We are… Read More »DSI Infrastructure & Lab

The Future of Work

DSI LECTURE SERIES 2022 Over the past three months, we have intensively studied the future of the world of work: We have learned, for example, that a healthy dose of humour never hurts in everyday working life. We now know what challenges food delivery workers on bicycles have to deal… Read More »The Future of Work

Kamituga / Digital Gold

On Thursday, 30 June 2022 at 4:30 pm, the Immersive Arts Space invites you to a book vernissage [more]. Christoph N. Vogel’s publication CONFLICT MINERALS INC will be presented. The vernissage will take place in the Immersive Arts Space and is part of a collaboration with the Geographical Institute of… Read More »Kamituga / Digital Gold

DIZH funds four projects to deal with emergencies as a result of the war against Ukraine

From gaming to governance: four projects have been approved in the innovation program of the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions (DIZH). In close cooperation with practitioners, digital solutions can contribute to dealing with emergencies as a result of the war against Ukraine. In various respects, the war… Read More »DIZH funds four projects to deal with emergencies as a result of the war against Ukraine

EWAF’22 @Digital Society Initiativ

On June 8 and 9, 48 researchers met for the first European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF’22) at the premises of the Digital Society Initiative. This research field revolves around the question of how fairness can be understood and evaluated in the age of algorithms. As such research often focuses… Read More »EWAF’22 @Digital Society Initiativ

Open PhD Positions “Supporting Developers’ Workflows and Flow at Work”

The Human Aspects of Software Engineering Lab (HASEL) at the Institute of Computer Science at UZH invites applications for two fully funded PhD student positions. For your PhD, you will work in the HASEL group on high-impact research at the intersection of empirical software engineering and human computer interaction. The… Read More »Open PhD Positions “Supporting Developers’ Workflows and Flow at Work”

Open Positions at the DSI

Multiple research assistant positions are open in various DSI projects ranging from the implementation of sustainable development goals to the societal acceptance of drones to the orchestration of stakeholders in crisis situations through digital platforms. SDGnets@ZH Project: 2 Wissenschaftliche Hilfsassistenzen (20-30 %) Societal Acceptance of Drones in Urban Switzerland (SADUS): Research Assistant… Read More »Open Positions at the DSI

Plenary Assembly DIZH on 10 May 2022 Two years after the operational start, the first plenary meeting of the DIZH took place on 10 May 2022 at the Museum für Gestaltung. The aim was to promote dialogue and networking among DIZH members. People already associated with DIZH were able to learn more about the activities and… Read More »Plenary Assembly DIZH on 10 May 2022