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Planet Digital

Off to Planet Digital!

Self-learning algorithms, rare earths, and robots bestowing blessings: In the exhibition Planet Digital, mounted by the University of Zurich and the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich,…
Biotinkerin – Making im Unterricht

Kick-off event Maker-Space Leutschenbach

Wednesday, 26 January 2022, from 3:00 pmFor teachers of the “Making in the classroom” project In the spirit of an open workshop, various stations for…

“Weissbuch Corona” – Lessons on the Pandemic

In the interdisciplinary collection “Weissbuch Corona”, observations, analyses and evaluations on the impact of the Corona crisis in Switzerland were compiled by around forty experts.…

Practice writing while gaming

Up to a third of schoolchildren have fine motor difficulties that become noticeable when writing. A new digital game, which is being developed at the…

The smart hospital of the future

Together with Swiss universities and industry partners, the ZHAW is researching how hospitals can implement the digital transformation. Modern forms of organization, digital technologies such…