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Digital bridge to computer science lessons

In this BMFH project, a digital tutorial and examples will be created to explain the most important elements of a modern programming language to BM pupils and students at the UAS. An online version of Python, for example, is planned as a means of doing this. For consolidation, BM tasks from the fields of chemistry and physics are calculated with Python.

Initial situation: Computer science is not a compulsory subject at the vocational baccalaureate BM. However, chemistry and physics are standardised as part of the curriculum for the technical BM in Switzerland

Objective: To link the skills in chemistry and physics that are required anyway with a programming language frequently used at universities of applied sciences.

The project is based on three pillars:

  • Tutorial explaining the most important basic elements of the Python programming language
  • Solution of sample tasks in chemistry for BM exam preparation with Python
  • Solution of sample tasks in physics for BM exam preparation with Python

Project team 

Roland Büchi, ZHAW School of Engineering

Marco Todesco, BFSU Uster

Jürg Schweizer, BFSU Uster

Michael Stros, BFSU Uster